
Dec 19, 2014

Single | or & Vs Double || or &&

Single | or & Vs Double || or &&
S.NoSingle | or &Double || or &&
1Bitwise Comparison. Logical Comparison.

Dec 17, 2014

Fix and Int in VB.Net

Fix and Int in VB.Net
1Fix returns the first negative integer greater than or equal to Provided number. Int return the first negative integer less than or equal to Provided number.

Function and Sub in VB.Net

Function and Sub in VB.net
1Return Values. Does Not Return Values.

Dec 16, 2014

Mid Function and Mid statement in VB.Net

Mid Function and Mid statement in VB.net
S.NoMid FunctionMid Statement
1Returns the Character. Replace the Character.

Nov 14, 2014

Private Assembly Vs Public Assembly

Private Assembly Vs Public Assembly in DotNet
S.NoPrivate AssemblyPublic Assembly
1Private assembly can be used by only one application. Public assembly can be used by multiple applications.
2Private assembly will be stored in the specific application's directory or sub-directory. Public assembly is stored in GAC (Global Assembly Cache).
3There is no other name for private assembly. Public assembly is also termed as shared assembly.
4Strong name is not required for private assembly. Strong name has to be created for public assembly.
5Private assembly doesn't have any version constraint. Public assembly should strictly enforce version constraint.

Nov 12, 2014

System exceptions Vs Application exceptions

System exceptions Vs Application exceptions in Dotnet
S.NoSystem exceptionsApplication exceptions
1common exceptions thrown by the CLR of .Net Framework.user defined exceptions thrown by the application.

Jul 2, 2014

First vs FirstOrDefault in LINQ

First vs FirstOrDefault in LINQ
1Gives first record from the collection, if collection doesn't have any object then throws error.FirstOrDefault extension method is used to retrieve the first element from the collection, if not then gives null

Jul 1, 2014

LINQ To SQL and LINQ To Object

LINQ To SQL and LINQ To Object
1needs a Data Context object.doesn’t need any intermediate LINQ provider or API.
2returns data of type IQueryable.returns data of type IEnumerable.
3translated to SQL by way of Expression Trees, which allow them to be evaluated as a single unit and translated to the appropriate and optimal SQL statementsdoes not need to be translated.
4translated to SQL calls and executed on the specified database.executed in the local machine memory.

Jun 30, 2014

Last vs LastOrDefault in LINQ

Last vs LastOrDefault in LINQ
1Last extension method gives last element from the collection. If there is no element in the collection, it throws error.LastOrDefault extension method gives the last element form the collection, if not gives null.

Jun 27, 2014

Constants Vs Read-only

Constants Vs Read-only
1Constants are dealt with at compile-time.Read-only variables are evaluated at runtime.
2Constants supports value-type variables.Read-only variables can hold reference type variables.
3Constants should be used when it is very unlikely that the value will ever change.Read-only variables should be used when run-time calculation is required.